One of the most important
directions of activity of the project this year is an organization
of international scientific - practical conference "World
Economy and Foreign Economic Relations: Problems and Perspectives"
to be held in Irkutsk, Russia, September 9-10, 2002.
is Held as a Part of Baikal
Economic Forum 2002. The meeting will attempt to bring
people together from around the world to discuss the actual
problems and trends of an international economic system, as
well as of foreign international relations between East and
West. It is the hope of the Conference Organizing Committee
that the discussion of presented papers will help contribute
to the field both at theoretical and applied levels.
In the frame of this conference the final seminar will be
organized to sum up the project Tempus Tacis MJEP 10723.
Details in files: Russian
version, English version.
E-mail of conference:
Conference secretary: Natalia Prokopieva, PhD.
In the beginning of February the meeting
of the chiefs of the project " Tacis-Tempus MJEP-10723 " was
in one of the countries - coordinators of the project in Sweden
an meeting were representatives of all partner universities
from countries of EU and Russia: Irkutsk state academy
of economics, Irkutsk; the Ufa state air-technical university
Ufa, Bashkortostan; the Khabarovsk state academy of economics
and low, Khabarovsk; University Umea, Sweden; University
of Luton , England; University do Mino Braga, Portugal.
In during the meeting were discussed the
results of the second year of activity of the project,
and also the schedule of activity for following final
third year was planed.
Program of activities of the project
for the third year (since January till December 2002):
The program " Mobility of the post-graduate
students " is continued: since February 2002 already has
initiated with training at the university of Luton (England)
Elena Meteleva (PhD, Department of Economics&Public Administration
ISEA); in the beginning of June two postgraduate students
of ISEA will be sent also : on University Umea (Sweden)
Nadezda Kuznetsova (Department of Finance ISEA), and on
University of Mino (Portugal) Maria Vikhareva (Department
of Economics&Public Administration ISEA).
The publication of the collection of
articles of the postgraduate students and young scientists
" Economics, management and business in global environment
" is planned at the end of March - beginning of April
Making of operating programs of following
- management in global environment;
- strategic planning in public sector;
- regional economics and local government;
- human resources management in international context.