Federal partners
beneficiary of the project is the Legal Department
of the Administration of the President of Russian
Federation, represented by its Deputy Director
and by the Foundation for Legal Issues of Federalism
and Local Government.
Alongside with this, among the
direct partners of the project one will find
the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economic
Development and Trade, and the Ministry of Anti-Monopoly
Policy and Support to Enterprises, the Committee
on Economic Policy and Enterprises of the State
Duma, the Committee on Constitutional Legislation,
Judicial and Legal Issues of the Council of
Federations, and the High Arbitration Court
of Russian Federation.
partners of Irkutsk Regional Office
Irkutsk Region:
Irkutsk Regional Administration:
Committee of Economics;
- Department
of small and medium businesses of the Irkutsk
Regional Administration;
- Head
Financial Directorate;
- The
Legal Directorate of Legislative Board;
- The
State Legal Directorate;
- Department
of Economic Legislation at the State Institute
of Regional Legislation;
- Financial
Control and Auditing Board of Irkutsk Region;
City Administration:
Department of Foreign Economic and International
Licensing Department;
and General Law Courts:
Federal Arbitration Court of East-Siberian
Arbitration Court of Irkutsk Region;
Oktiabrsky District Court;
for Small Entrepreneurship Support:
East-Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Irkutsk Territorial Directorate of RF Ministry
for Anti-Trust Policy and Support to Enterprises;
Regional Agency for Support of Small Business
Non-commercial partnership of Commodity Goods
Producers and Entrepreneurs;
Irkutsk Regional Public Organization on protection
of rights and interests of taxpayers;
Anti-crisis Center for the protection of entrepreneurs'
rights at the non-commercial partnership "Small
Enterprises of Irkutsk region";
Angarsk School of Entrepreneurship;
Educational Establishments:
- Irkutsk
State Academy of Economics;
Irkutsk Branch of Russian Law Academy at RF
Ministry of Justice;
Legal Institute of Irkutsk State University;
Law Department of the Russian-Asian College
of Law and Economics;
of Lawyers:
- International
Union of Lawyers in Irkutsk;
Union of Russian Lawyers;
also enjoy the support of:
- Irkutsk
Territorial Directorate of RF Ministry of
Irkutsk Regional Prosecutor's Office;
State Tax Inspection of Irkutsk Region;
Legal Department of Irkutsk Customs Office;
the Buryat Republic:
- The
Committee of enterprises' support of the Buryat
- The
Committee of Economic Reforms of the Buryat
- The
Government Law Department of the President
of the Buryat Republic.